In the day

Friday, February 26, 2010

Post  #2459.   Sorry. Been busy.      Of course you know better than that. More like lazy. The reason I wanted to write this evening is that I just checked on Google and it seems my house is 2,052 feet away from the Green River Killer's house. Not miles, FEET. No particular reason for mentioning that, aside for the sinking in of it.

Ozzy Osbourne was completely amazed and grossed out by the fan who asked him to autograph his colostomy bag, and he refused to do it. I guess that is a sinking-in-oid as well.

And while we're sort of in an area of topics off the usual trek of this blog, take a look at a picture of Bear Grylls

without-a-shirt-on (you can't type *****less because of all the people who search for Bear Grylls *****less, as well as Anderson Cooper *****less, the latter I can't fathom why.) Anyway, take a look at Bear and just wonder for a moment about his breath. Oh heck, Bear Grills shirtless.

Finally, what can sometimes happen on the weekend at the real estate office when the temp takes a shot at the listings: (click on it to expand)


I had to snatch it off the website in a hurry as I reckon it won't be there long. This was cute too: MacAdam Road is actually Macadam Road. Nice that she gave credit to the Scottish engineer who invented the process. Rick Macherat Bear Grylls shirtless

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Post  #2458.   Clippings.      You probably heard about the little climate change mixup - how the 500,000 square kilometers of Himalayan glaciers are supposed to be effectively melted away by 2035. Numbers. No one caught it. It's always amazing how even very learned people can read numbers and fail to have them sink in. Even as I type this, I know most readers are saying, Huh? Think about it. 500,000 square kilometers? Know how much area that is? And 2035? You'd need an average temperature of about 195 degrees to accomplish that much melting. And that might even be Celsius as far as I would know.

An insane killer escaped from a State Hospital field trip to the state fair in Eastern Washington. The killer, ruled insane and hospitalized after murdering an old woman and burying her in her flower garden, soaked in gasoline to throw off the dogs, had a history of escape. Just a peek at Washington crime and punishment. Field trips to the state fair. Keep an eye on your kids.

A man connected with our notorious horse-sex case awhile back has been charged with having sex with dogs, ponies and larger horses back in Tennessee. At least he survived, unlike his former friend here in Washington who took on a bit more than he could handle. We subsequently passed a law against that sort of thing, so that should put an end to it.

The ongoing $50,000,000,000.00 project to clean up the Atomic Works at Hanford, Washington got a big boost with an additional $2,000,000,000.00 appropriation. This project, which includes a man on a bulldozer and several thousand people in offices, has been going on for many decades and will continue for many more. No one knows if anything has actually ever been cleaned up.

Lastly, Comcast Cable is going to change their name to .. XFinity. No, I'm not kidding. Just a reminder for investors, companies do this sort of stupid thing when their CEO's have no fracking clue about running the business. Rick Macherat

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Post #2457. This sounds familiar somehow ..    Starting last Sunday, this has been running in our paper. Since it is the only paper left, just about everyone heard about,
Sunday - Crisis in state adult family homes
Monday - Horror stories from adult family homes
Tuesday - They "fell through the cracks," says state about adult family homes
Wednesday - Families say, "We care so you don't have to," pitch Not True
Thursday - Records show money, felons and other unsavory issues involved
Friday - Governor forms Commmission to study adult family homes
Tuesday - Paper wins award for adult family homes report
Help, will somebody let me out of this hellhole!Rick Macherat

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Post  #2456.   Snip.      All of this fuss over Microsoft by the EU doesn't have anything to do with Windows or even business for that matter. The Euroes are just afraid Bill is going to circumcise them.Rick Macherat

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