In the day

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Post  #2482.   The Sister-in-law.      It's been awhile, I know. This is how it usually goes when someone abandons blogging, though I'm not really sure if that is what's happening. We'll see. Anyway,

She complained for a few weeks about the boyfriend thinking he needed an HDTV (I supported him, of course) and how that was just too far down the list of priorities for spending money. Uh-huh. Then she came over and saw my new one. Their HDTV arrives tomorrow, an LG: That's Chinese, you know. I know. (She didn't.)

She and I are doing Big Brother this summer. Pretty ridiculous at our age, but it's still fun. I watch some of the Showtime late night and she reads the forums, then we compare notes. Did I ever imagine this, in my sixties? No. What's worse, those people embody just about everything I don't care for in today's world: fitness, sensible diet, instant intimacy .. oh, a lot more.

I guess any one of these typings could be the last, you never know. Most blogs just quit. This one won't do that. Well, unless that is, indeed, that. Rick Macherat

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