In the day

Friday, November 19, 2010

Post  #2498.   David Vachon Shirtless.      For some reason it just occurred to me that Dave might be just lingering on the cusp of fame and still searching himself from time to time.

Considering all of the ways that wars end - peace conferences, surrender, annihilation, on ships, in palaces - is it possible this one will end with a wave of indignation? Not that unthinkable, just look at how this anti-screening attitude is spreading. Personally, I have no concerns at all about being personalated, what with my girth and flatulence and all.

I had a genuine personal conflict over the weekend, and I think some other people did as well. I am very strongly against animal abuse, can't even watch that commercial without getting all, you know, but on the other hand it was great seeing Michael Vick account himself so well against the Redskins. Of course, I'm strongly pro Native-American too. Except for the fishing part. And the casinos. And when they're blonde-blue, fat and named Schmidt. Rick Macherat

Monday, November 15, 2010

Post  #2497.   Escape.      You would think at least the alumni magazine would be safe from the current relentless assault upon incivility. But noooo, they have to devote almost an entire issue to it. I just couldn't take any more of that right now when I sat down to read, so I decided to type instead. It's a good time to put-head-in-sand generally. I have another cartoon going: picture one of those third world out-of-control buses flying down a mountain road, maybe one or two wheels touching, chickens and luggage flying off, and place whomever works for you at the wheel with an insane expression, Pelosi, Boehner, Obama, Palin, Bernanke .. it doesn't really matter. Yeah, I used 3 and 2 examples to tip off my own persuasion.

There was a long article locally about how a bunch of street kids killed one of their own. Quite brutal actually, a lot like Bully or Kids. I was led to the story via a post by a virtual acquaintance, and the tone of his comment was disturbed; it got to him. When I read it, however, I came away with completely the opposite reaction. Three down (the vic, and two perps who have been charged,)and quite a few yet to go. Hardhearted? Yeah. Most of us aren't at the place where, as a society, we just haven't the time or resources to play namby-pamby with the mistakes. Most of the "comments" which accompanied the article made some reference to "getting help" or "mental health resources." Please. Those are just synonyms for make it go away somewhere where I don't have to be upset.

There was a man recently, you probably know who it was, I can't remember, who announced that Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme! Really? What sensible person is surprised to learn this? I told you about Maisy Poe, the little lady who my grandmother took down to the Social Security office and got signed up in 1940. Maisy, bless her heart, lived to 102. The people who designed Social Security knew that couples would stop having 10-12 children as the country moved from agriculture to manufacturing and they wouldn't need them for support in their old age. They knew life spans would increase. They also knew they'd be long gone when all this happened.

Gen-X and the Millennials have been hearing about the Boomers since the day they were born, and there is a lot of out in the snow and off the cliff in their wicked and self-absorbed little souls. It'll get solved. Always does. Sometimes it's ugly though.Rick Macherat

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